Cumulus4j API


Handlers for the communication channel between key manager and application server.


Interface Summary
RequestHandler<R extends Request> Handler processing and replying requests coming from the application server.

Class Summary
AbstractRequestHandler<R extends Request> Abstract base class for RequestHandler implementations.
GetActiveEncryptionKeyRequestHandler Handler for GetActiveEncryptionKeyRequest.
GetKeyRequestHandler Handler for GetKeyRequest.
KeyManagerChannelListenerThread Thread that listens to incoming Requests and processes them.
KeyManagerChannelManager Manager for the communication channel between key manager and application server.

Package Description

Handlers for the communication channel between key manager and application server.

The so-called "key manager channel" is - as shown in the document Deployment scenarios - an HTTP(S) connection from the key-manager to the application server with an inverse request-response-cycle. This means, the application server sends a Request, the key manager handles it and then sends a Response back.

The classes in this package are the handlers responsible for processing these requests.

Cumulus4j API

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