Cumulus4j API

Uses of Class

Packages that use AuthenticationException
org.cumulus4j.keymanager Key manager sending keys to the app-server (when requested and allowed). Handlers for the communication channel between key manager and application server. 
org.cumulus4j.keystore Key store managing keys safely in the local file system. 

Uses of AuthenticationException in org.cumulus4j.keymanager

Methods in org.cumulus4j.keymanager that throw AuthenticationException
 Session SessionManager.acquireSession(String userName, char[] password)
          Create a new unlocked session or open (unlock) a cached & currently locked session.

Uses of AuthenticationException in

Methods in that throw AuthenticationException
 Response GetActiveEncryptionKeyRequestHandler.handle(GetActiveEncryptionKeyRequest request)
 Response GetKeyRequestHandler.handle(GetKeyRequest request)

Uses of AuthenticationException in org.cumulus4j.keystore

Methods in org.cumulus4j.keystore that throw AuthenticationException
 void KeyStore.changeUserPassword(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, String userName, char[] newPassword)
           Change a user's password.
 void KeyStore.createUser(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, String userName, char[] password)
           Create a new user.
 void KeyStore.deleteUser(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, String userName)
           Delete the user specified by userName.
 GeneratedKey KeyStore.generateKey(String authUserName, char[] authPassword)
           Generate a new key and store it to the file.
 List<GeneratedKey> KeyStore.generateKeys(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, int qty)
           Generate qty new keys and store them to the file.
 DateDependentKeyStrategy.ActiveKey DateDependentKeyStrategy.getActiveKey(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, Date timestamp)
           Get the details of the key which is / was / will be active at the given timestamp.
 byte[] KeyStore.getKey(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, long keyID)
          Get the key identified by the given keyID.
 SortedSet<Long> KeyStore.getKeyIDs(String authUserName, char[] authPassword)
 int KeyStore.getMasterKeySize(String authUserName, char[] authPassword)
 SortedSet<Property<?>> KeyStore.getProperties(String authUserName, char[] authPassword)
<P extends Property<?>>
KeyStore.getProperty(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, Class<P> propertyType, String name)
           Get a named property.
 SortedSet<String> KeyStore.getUsers(String authUserName, char[] authPassword)
           Get all users who can authenticate at this KeyStore.
 boolean KeyStore.removeProperty(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, String name)
           Remove a property.
 void KeyStore.setProperty(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, Property<?> property)
           Set a property.

Cumulus4j API

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