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DataNucleus compatibility matrix

Because Cumulus4j is a plug-in to DataNucleus, both products must be compatible in order to cooperate. Not every version of Cumulus4j can be used with every version of DataNucleus. Therefore, we test Cumulus4j with a few versions of datanucleus-core before every release.

If all our tests run successfully, we assume Cumulus4j and DataNucleus to be fully compatible and indicate it in the following table by this symbol: Fully compatible

If Cumulus4j works with DataNucleus, but not all tests succeed (i.e. at least one test fails) or if there is any other irregularity, we indicate this by a warning symbol: Partially compatible

If a certain version of Cumulus4j cannot be used at all with a certain version of DataNucleus, it is indicated by this symbol: Not compatible

(core) version
Status Comment
* 3.0.4 ... 3.0.6 Not compatible Bug NUCCORE-805.
1.0.1 3.0.1 ... 3.0.3 Fully compatible
1.0.0 3.0.0-release Fully compatible
1.0.0 3.0.0-m6 Fully compatible
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