Cumulus4j API
Class PrimaryExpressionEvaluator

  extended by<PrimaryExpression>
      extended by

public class PrimaryExpressionEvaluator
extends AbstractExpressionEvaluator<PrimaryExpression>

Evaluator representing PrimaryExpressions.

Marco หงุ่ยตระกูล-Schulze - marco at nightlabs dot de
See Also:

Constructor Summary
PrimaryExpressionEvaluator(QueryEvaluator queryEvaluator, AbstractExpressionEvaluator<?> parent, PrimaryExpression expression)
Method Summary
protected  Set<Symbol> _getResultSymbols()
           Get the Symbols for which AbstractExpressionEvaluator.queryResultDataEntryIDs(ResultDescriptor) (and thus AbstractExpressionEvaluator.queryResultObjects(ResultDescriptor)) can return a result.
protected  Set<Long> _queryResultDataEntryIDs(ResultDescriptor resultDescriptor)
          Execute a query for the given resultDescriptor.
Methods inherited from class
_queryResultObjects, getExpression, getFieldType, getLeft, getParent, getQueryEvaluator, getResultSymbols, getRight, queryResultDataEntryIDs, queryResultObjects, setLeft, setRight
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PrimaryExpressionEvaluator(QueryEvaluator queryEvaluator,
                                  AbstractExpressionEvaluator<?> parent,
                                  PrimaryExpression expression)
Method Detail


protected Set<Long> _queryResultDataEntryIDs(ResultDescriptor resultDescriptor)
Description copied from class: AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Execute a query for the given resultDescriptor. This method should contain the concrete logic for AbstractExpressionEvaluator.queryResultDataEntryIDs(ResultDescriptor) and must be implemented by subclasses.

Specified by:
_queryResultDataEntryIDs in class AbstractExpressionEvaluator<PrimaryExpression>
resultDescriptor - the descriptor specifying what candidates (usually "this" or a variable) the caller is interested in as well as modifiers (e.g. negation) affecting the query.
those dataEntryIDs that match the query criteria for the specified resultSymbol or null, if the symbol is not supported (this should be consistent with the implementation of AbstractExpressionEvaluator._getResultSymbols()).
See Also:


protected Set<Symbol> _getResultSymbols()
Description copied from class: AbstractExpressionEvaluator

Get the Symbols for which AbstractExpressionEvaluator.queryResultDataEntryIDs(ResultDescriptor) (and thus AbstractExpressionEvaluator.queryResultObjects(ResultDescriptor)) can return a result. For all other Symbols, said methods return null.

The default implementation in AbstractExpressionEvaluator collects the result-symbols from its left and its right side and returns this combined Set.

This is the actual implementation of AbstractExpressionEvaluator.getResultSymbols() and should be overridden instead of the non-"_"-prefixed version, in most cases.

_getResultSymbols in class AbstractExpressionEvaluator<PrimaryExpression>
the queryable Symbols or null (null is equivalent to an empty Set).
See Also:

Cumulus4j API

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