Cumulus4j API

Uses of Class

Packages that use SubCommand
org.cumulus4j.keymanager.cli Command line interface for the KeyStore

Uses of SubCommand in org.cumulus4j.keymanager.cli

Subclasses of SubCommand in org.cumulus4j.keymanager.cli
 class DeleteUserSubCommand
          SubCommand implementation for deleting a user.
 class HelpSubCommand
           SubCommand implementation for showing the help.
 class InfoSubCommand
           SubCommand implementation for showing various infos about a key-store.
 class InitDateDependentKeyStrategySubCommand
           SubCommand implementation for creating & initialising a new key-store with the DateDependentKeyStrategy.
 class LicenceSubCommand
           SubCommand implementation for showing the licence.
 class LicenseSubCommand
           SubCommand implementation for showing the licence.
 class PutUserSubCommand
          SubCommand implementation for creating a new user or updating an existing one.
 class SubCommandWithKeyManagerAPI
           Abstract SubCommand implementation for being subclassed when the KeyManagerAPI is used.
 class SubCommandWithKeyManagerAPIWithAuth
           Abstract SubCommand implementation for being subclassed when the KeyManagerAPI is used.
 class SubCommandWithKeyStore
           Abstract SubCommand implementation for being subclassed when a key-store is used.
 class SubCommandWithKeyStoreWithAuth
           Abstract SubCommand implementation for being subclassed when a key-store and authentication (user + password) is used.
 class VersionSubCommand
           SubCommand implementation for showing the version number of the command line tool.

Fields in org.cumulus4j.keymanager.cli with type parameters of type SubCommand
static List<Class<? extends SubCommand>> KeyManagerCLI.subCommandClasses
static Map<String,SubCommand> KeyManagerCLI.subCommandName2subCommand
static List<SubCommand> KeyManagerCLI.subCommands

Cumulus4j API

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