Cumulus4j API

Class IdentifierUtil

  extended by org.cumulus4j.keymanager.back.shared.IdentifierUtil

public class IdentifierUtil
extends Object

Utility class for identifiers used within Cumulus4j.

Marco หงุ่ยตระกูล-Schulze - marco at nightlabs dot de

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static String createRandomID()
           Create a random String identifier with a sufficiently unique length.
static String createRandomID(int length)
           Create a random String identifier with a specified length.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IdentifierUtil()
Method Detail


public static String createRandomID()

Create a random String identifier with a sufficiently unique length.

This method calls createRandomID(int) with a length of 25.

The length of 25 is chosen, because it produces an identifier which has about the same uniqueness as UUID.randomUUID(). This is because the String has 36 ^ 25 (approximately equals 2 ^ 129) possible values while a UUID has 2 ^ 128 possible values and both identifiers are created using the same method (SecureRandom.nextBytes(byte[])).

a random String.
See Also:


public static String createRandomID(int length)

Create a random String identifier with a specified length.

The generated identifier will contain only the characters '0'...'9' and 'a'...'z' and will have the specified length. This method uses a SecureRandom (just like UUID.randomUUID()). With a length of 25, the identifier will have about the same uniqueness as a UUID - see createRandomID().

length - the number of chars in the result.
a random String with the given length.
See Also:

Cumulus4j API

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