Cumulus4j API

Class DateDependentKeyStrategyInitParam

  extended by org.cumulus4j.keymanager.api.DateDependentKeyStrategyInitParam
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DateDependentKeyStrategyInitParam
extends Object
implements Serializable

Options controlling how org.cumulus4j.keymanager.DateDependentKeyStrategy.init(...) should behave.

Marco หงุ่ยตระกูล-Schulze - marco at nightlabs dot de
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 long getKeyActivityPeriodMSec()
          Get the time (in millisec) how long each key should be valid.
 long getKeyStorePeriodMSec()
          How long (in millisec) should the key store have fresh, unused keys? This number divided by the keyActivityPeriodMSec determines, how many keys must be generated.
 void setKeyActivityPeriodMSec(long keyActivityPeriodMSec)
 void setKeyStorePeriodMSec(long keyStorePeriodMSec)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DateDependentKeyStrategyInitParam()
Method Detail


public long getKeyActivityPeriodMSec()
Get the time (in millisec) how long each key should be valid. If < 1, the default value of 24 hours (= 86400000 msec) will be used.

How long (in millisec) should each key be valid? A value < 1 means to use the default.


public void setKeyActivityPeriodMSec(long keyActivityPeriodMSec)
keyActivityPeriodMSec - how long (in millisec) should each key be valid. If < 1, the default value of 24 hours (= 86400000 msec) will be used.


public long getKeyStorePeriodMSec()
How long (in millisec) should the key store have fresh, unused keys? This number divided by the keyActivityPeriodMSec determines, how many keys must be generated. If < 1, the default value of 50 years (50 * 365 days - ignoring leap years!) will be used.

How long (in millisec) should the key store have fresh, unused keys? A value < 1 means to use the default.


public void setKeyStorePeriodMSec(long keyStorePeriodMSec)
keyStorePeriodMSec - how long should the key store have fresh, unused keys. This number divided by the keyActivityPeriodMSec determines, how many keys must be generated. If < 1, the default value of 50 years (50 * 365 days - ignoring leap years!) will be used.

Cumulus4j API

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