001    package org.cumulus4j.store.model;
003    import java.util.Collection;
004    import java.util.HashSet;
005    import java.util.Set;
007    import javax.jdo.JDOObjectNotFoundException;
008    import javax.jdo.PersistenceManager;
009    import javax.jdo.identity.LongIdentity;
011    import org.cumulus4j.store.crypto.CryptoContext;
013    public class DataEntryDAO extends AbstractDAO {
015            private int keyStoreRefID;
017            public DataEntryDAO() { }
019            /**
020             * Create a new instance with the backend-<code>PersistenceManager</code> used for data.
021             * @param pmData the backend-<code>PersistenceManager</code>. Must not be <code>null</code>.
022             * @param keyStoreRefID the key-store-reference-ID obtained usually from {@link CryptoContext#getKeyStoreRefID()}.
023             */
024            public DataEntryDAO(PersistenceManager pmData, int keyStoreRefID) {
025                    super(pmData);
026                    this.keyStoreRefID = keyStoreRefID;
027            }
029            /**
030             * Get the <code>DataEntry</code> identified by the specified {@link #getDataEntryID() dataEntryID} or
031             * <code>null</code> if no such instance exists.
032             * @param dataEntryID the <code>DataEntry</code>'s {@link #getDataEntryID() identifier}.
033             * @return the <code>DataEntry</code> matching the given <code>dataEntryID</code> or <code>null</code>, if no such instance exists.
034             */
035            public DataEntry getDataEntry(long dataEntryID)
036            {
037                    DataEntry dataEntry;
038                    try {
039                            dataEntry = (DataEntry) pm.getObjectById(new LongIdentity(DataEntry.class, dataEntryID));
040                    } catch (JDOObjectNotFoundException x) {
041                            dataEntry = null;
042                    }
043                    return dataEntry;
044            }
046            /**
047             * Get the <code>DataEntry</code> identified by the given type and JDO/JPA-object-ID.
048             *
049             * @param classMeta reference to the searched <code>DataEntry</code>'s {@link #getClassMeta() classMeta} (which must match
050             * the searched instance's concrete type - <b>not</b> the root-type of the inheritance tree!).
051             * @param objectID the <code>String</code>-representation of the JDO/JPA-object-ID.
052             * @return the <code>DataEntry</code> matching the given combination of <code>classMeta</code> and <code>objectID</code>;
053             * or <code>null</code>, if no such instance exists.
054             */
055            public DataEntry getDataEntry(ClassMeta classMeta, String objectID)
056            {
057                    javax.jdo.Query q = pm.newNamedQuery(DataEntry.class, DataEntry.NamedQueries.getDataEntryByClassMetaClassIDAndObjectID);
058                    return (DataEntry) q.execute(keyStoreRefID, classMeta.getClassID(), objectID);
059                    // UNIQUE query does not need to be closed, because there is no result list lingering.
060            }
062            /**
063             * <p>
064             * Get the {@link #getDataEntryID() dataEntryID} of the <code>DataEntry</code> identified by the
065             * given type and JDO/JPA-object-ID.
066             * </p>
067             * <p>
068             * This method is equivalent to first calling
069             * </p>
070             * <pre>DataEntry e = {@link #getDataEntry(PersistenceManager, ClassMeta, String)}</pre>
071             * <p>
072             * and then
073             * </p>
074             * <pre>e == null ? null : Long.valueOf({@link #getDataEntryID() e.getDataEntryID()})</pre>
075             * <p>
076             * but faster, because it does not query unnecessary data from the underlying database.
077             * </p>
078             *
079             * @param classMeta reference to the searched <code>DataEntry</code>'s {@link #getClassMeta() classMeta} (which must match
080             * the searched instance's concrete type - <b>not</b> the root-type of the inheritance tree!).
081             * @param objectID the <code>String</code>-representation of the JDO/JPA-object-ID.
082             * @return the {@link #getDataEntryID() dataEntryID} of the <code>DataEntry</code> matching the
083             * given combination of <code>classMeta</code> and <code>objectID</code>;
084             * or <code>null</code>, if no such instance exists.
085             */
086            public Long getDataEntryID(ClassMeta classMeta, String objectID)
087            {
088                    javax.jdo.Query q = pm.newNamedQuery(DataEntry.class, DataEntry.NamedQueries.getDataEntryIDByClassMetaClassIDAndObjectID);
089                    return (Long) q.execute(keyStoreRefID, classMeta.getClassID(), objectID);
090                    // UNIQUE query does not need to be closed, because there is no result list lingering.
091            }
093            /**
094             * <p>
095             * Get the {@link #getDataEntryID() dataEntryID}s of all those <code>DataEntry</code> instances
096             * which do <b>not</b> match the given type and JDO/JPA-object-ID.
097             * </p>
098             * <p>
099             * This method is thus the negation of {@link #getDataEntryID(PersistenceManager, ClassMeta, String)}.
100             * </p>
101             *
102             * @param classMeta reference to the searched <code>DataEntry</code>'s {@link #getClassMeta() classMeta} (which must match
103             * the searched instance's concrete type - <b>not</b> the root-type of the inheritance tree!).
104             * @param notThisObjectID the <code>String</code>-representation of the JDO/JPA-object-ID, which should be
105             * excluded.
106             * @return the {@link #getDataEntryID() dataEntryID}s of those <code>DataEntry</code>s which match the given
107             * <code>classMeta</code> but have an object-ID different from the one specified as <code>notThisObjectID</code>.
108             */
109            public Set<Long> getDataEntryIDsNegated(ClassMeta classMeta, String notThisObjectID)
110            {
111                    javax.jdo.Query q = pm.newNamedQuery(DataEntry.class, DataEntry.NamedQueries.getDataEntryIDsByClassMetaClassIDAndObjectIDNegated);
112                    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
113                    Collection<Long> dataEntryIDsColl = (Collection<Long>) q.execute(keyStoreRefID, classMeta.getClassID(), notThisObjectID);
114                    Set<Long> dataEntryIDsSet = new HashSet<Long>(dataEntryIDsColl);
115                    q.closeAll();
116                    return dataEntryIDsSet;
117            }
118    }