001    package org.cumulus4j.keymanager.api;
003    import java.io.IOException;
005    /**
006     * <p>
007     * Entry point for the key management API.
008     * </p><p>
009     * Use <code>new DefaultKeyManagerAPI()</code> to get an instance, which you should keep (e.g. in a static shared
010     * instance or some other context). Except for this one reference to {@link DefaultKeyManagerAPI} (i.e. an implementation class),
011     * you should only reference the interfaces of this API project!
012     * </p><p>
013     * An application server using Cumulus4j is only able to read or write data, when the key manager grants access to
014     * keys. In order to control this access, crypto-sessions are used (not to be confused with a servlet's session):
015     * An application server can only request a key from a key manager, when the crypto-session exists and is unlocked.
016     * Usually, a client will first unlock the session, then send a request to the app server and when the app server responded,
017     * lock the session, again. Thus most of the time, a key manager will reject access to keys, even while a connection
018     * between app server and key manager exists.
019     * </p><p>
020     * This entire API (all classes in <code>org.cumulus4j.keymanager.api</code>) is thread-safe. You can - and should - share
021     * one <code>KeyManagerAPI</code> instance across multiple threads.
022     * </p><p>
023     * Note, that you must {@link #setConfiguration(KeyManagerAPIConfiguration) configure} the <code>KeyManagerAPI</code>, before
024     * you can use it.
025     * </p>
026     *
027     * @author Marco หงุ่ยตระกูล-Schulze - marco at nightlabs dot de
028     */
029    public interface KeyManagerAPI
030    {
031            /**
032             * <p>
033             * Set the configuration for this {@link KeyManagerAPI} instance.
034             * </p>
035             * <p>
036             * Before a KeyManagerAPI instance can actually be used, it first needs to be configured. The configuration
037             * passed to this method will be {@link KeyManagerAPIConfiguration#markReadOnly() marked read-only}.
038             * </p>
039             * @param configuration the configuration (which will be {@link KeyManagerAPIConfiguration#markReadOnly() marked read-only}
040             * by this operation). Must not be <code>null</code>.
041             * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the configuration is <code>null</code> or incomplete (e.g. {@link KeyManagerAPIConfiguration#getKeyStoreID() configuration.keyStoreID} being <code>null</code>).
042             * @throws KeyManagerAPIInstantiationException if the actual implementation cannot be instantiated.
043             */
044            void setConfiguration(KeyManagerAPIConfiguration configuration) throws IllegalArgumentException, KeyManagerAPIInstantiationException;
046            /**
047             * Get the current configuration of this {@link KeyManagerAPI}. If {@link #setConfiguration(KeyManagerAPIConfiguration)} was not
048             * yet called, this is <code>null</code>.
049             * @return the {@link KeyManagerAPIConfiguration} (or <code>null</code>, if not yet configured).
050             */
051            KeyManagerAPIConfiguration getConfiguration();
053            /**
054             * Initialise a new key-store with the {@link org.cumulus4j.keystore.DateDependentKeyStrategy}.
055             * @param param the settings controlling the details of how to initialise it. Must not be <code>null</code>.
056             * @return
057             * @throws KeyStoreNotEmptyException
058             * @throws IOException
059             */
060            DateDependentKeyStrategyInitResult initDateDependentKeyStrategy(DateDependentKeyStrategyInitParam param) throws KeyStoreNotEmptyException, IOException;
062            /**
063             * Create a new user or change an existing user's password. If the password of the {@link KeyManagerAPIConfiguration#getAuthUserName() current user}
064             * is modified, this instance of KeyManagerAPI will be updated with a new configuration, automatically. Other instances of <code>KeyManagerAPI</code>
065             * - even in the same JVM - are not updated, though.
066             * @param userName the name of the new user.
067             * @param password the password of the new user.
068             * @throws AuthenticationException if the {@link KeyManagerAPIConfiguration#setAuthUserName(String) authUserName} or the {@link KeyManagerAPIConfiguration#setAuthPassword(char[]) authPassword} is incorrect.
069             * @throws IOException if the communication with the key-store (either local key-store-file or remote key-server) fails.
070             */
071            void putUser(String userName, char[] password)
072            throws AuthenticationException, IOException;
074            /**
075             * Delete a user. If the specified user does not exist, this method is a no-op. Note, that the current user can delete himself.
076             * In this case, a 2nd call to this method would cause an <code>AuthenticationException</code>.
077             * @param userName the name of the user to be deleted.
078             * @throws AuthenticationException if the {@link KeyManagerAPIConfiguration#setAuthUserName(String) authUserName} or the {@link KeyManagerAPIConfiguration#setAuthPassword(char[]) authPassword} is incorrect.
079             * @throws CannotDeleteLastUserException if you attempted to delete the last user (which would render the key-store to be totally
080             * unreadable).
081             * @throws IOException if the communication with the key-store (either local key-store-file or remote key-server) fails.
082             */
083            void deleteUser(String userName)
084            throws AuthenticationException, CannotDeleteLastUserException, IOException;
086            /**
087             * <p>
088             * Get a session for a certain application server.
089             * </p>
090             *
091             * @param appServerBaseURL the base-url of the app-server-key-manager-channel (must not be <code>null</code>). This is the part of the URL before the "/KeyManagerChannel" -
092             * e.g. if the REST URL of the KeyManagerChannel-service is
093             * "https://serverUsingCumulus4j.mydomain.org/org.cumulus4j.keymanager.back.webapp/KeyManagerChannel", then this must be
094             * "https://serverUsingCumulus4j.mydomain.org/org.cumulus4j.keymanager.back.webapp".
095             * @return the session; never <code>null</code>.
096             * @throws AuthenticationException if the {@link KeyManagerAPIConfiguration#setAuthUserName(String) authUserName} or the {@link KeyManagerAPIConfiguration#setAuthPassword(char[]) authPassword} is incorrect.
097             * @throws IOException if the communication with the key-store (either local key-store-file or remote key-server) fails.
098             */
099            CryptoSession getCryptoSession(String appServerBaseURL) throws AuthenticationException, IOException;
101    }