001    package org.cumulus4j.keymanager.api;
003    import java.io.IOException;
005    import org.cumulus4j.keymanager.api.internal.AbstractKeyManagerAPI;
006    import org.cumulus4j.keymanager.api.internal.local.LocalKeyManagerAPI;
007    import org.cumulus4j.keymanager.api.internal.remote.RemoteKeyManagerAPI;
009    /**
010     * <p>
011     * Implementation of {@link KeyManagerAPI} that delegates to a specific implementation.
012     * </p><p>
013     * Instantiate an instance of this class and then use the <code>KeyManagerAPI</code> interface
014     * everywhere to reference it.
015     * </p><p>
016     * When using dependency injection, there should be no reference
017     * to this class at all except for the configuration of the dependency injection.
018     * </p>
019     *
020     * @author Marco หงุ่ยตระกูล-Schulze - marco at nightlabs dot de
021     */
022    public class DefaultKeyManagerAPI extends AbstractKeyManagerAPI
023    {
024            private volatile KeyManagerAPI delegate;
026            @Override
027            public void setConfiguration(KeyManagerAPIConfiguration configuration) throws IllegalArgumentException, KeyManagerAPIInstantiationException
028            {
029                    // We do *not* call super.setConfiguration(...), because the delegates might replace the configuration and
030                    // thus this instance should not have a copy of it at all! Instead we override getConfiguration() as well.
032                    if (configuration == null)
033                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("configuration == null");
035                    configuration.markReadOnly();
037                    // In case, we already had a delegate before, we null it now (so we don't end up with some half-initialised stuff.
038                    this.delegate = null;
040                    String keyManagerBaseURL = configuration.getKeyManagerBaseURL();
042                    KeyManagerAPI delegate;
043                    if (keyManagerBaseURL == null || keyManagerBaseURL.startsWith(FILE_URL_PREFIX)) {
044                            try {
045                                    delegate = new LocalKeyManagerAPI();
046                            } catch (KeyManagerAPIInstantiationException x) {
047                                    throw x;
048                            } catch (Throwable t) {
049                                    throw new KeyManagerAPIInstantiationException("The LocalKeyManagerAPI could not be instantiated! If you really want to use a local key-store, make sure all required libs are deployed. If you want to use a key-server instead of a local key-store, you must specify different arguments. " + t, t);
050                            }
051                    }
052                    else {
053                            try {
054                                    delegate = new RemoteKeyManagerAPI();
055                            } catch (KeyManagerAPIInstantiationException x) {
056                                    throw x;
057                            } catch (Throwable t) {
058                                    throw new KeyManagerAPIInstantiationException("The RemoteKeyManagerAPI could not be instantiated! If you really want to use a key-server, make sure all required libs are deployed. If you want to use a local key-store instead of a key-server, you must specify different arguments. " + t, t);
059                            }
060                    }
062                    delegate.setConfiguration(configuration);
063                    this.delegate = delegate;
064            }
066            @Override
067            public KeyManagerAPIConfiguration getConfiguration()
068            {
069                    KeyManagerAPI delegate = this.delegate;
070                    if (delegate == null)
071                            return null;
072                    else
073                            return delegate.getConfiguration();
074            }
076            private KeyManagerAPI getDelegate()
077            {
078                    KeyManagerAPI delegate = this.delegate;
079                    if (delegate == null)
080                            throw new IllegalStateException("setConfiguration(...) was not yet called!");
082                    return delegate;
083            }
085            @Override
086            public DateDependentKeyStrategyInitResult initDateDependentKeyStrategy(DateDependentKeyStrategyInitParam param) throws KeyStoreNotEmptyException, IOException
087            {
088                    return getDelegate().initDateDependentKeyStrategy(param);
089            }
091            @Override
092            public void putUser(String userName, char[] password) throws AuthenticationException, IOException
093            {
094                    getDelegate().putUser(userName, password);
095            }
097            @Override
098            public void deleteUser(String userName) throws AuthenticationException, CannotDeleteLastUserException, IOException
099            {
100                    getDelegate().deleteUser(userName);
101            }
103            @Override
104            public CryptoSession getCryptoSession(String appServerBaseURL) throws AuthenticationException, IOException
105            {
106                    return getDelegate().getCryptoSession(appServerBaseURL);
107            }
109    }