001    /*
002     * Cumulus4j - Securing your data in the cloud - http://cumulus4j.org
003     * Copyright (C) 2011 NightLabs Consulting GmbH
004     *
005     * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
006     * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
007     * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
008     * License, or (at your option) any later version.
009     *
010     * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
011     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
013     * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
014     *
015     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
016     * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
017     */
018    package org.cumulus4j.keystore;
020    import java.io.DataOutputStream;
021    import java.io.File;
022    import java.io.FileInputStream;
023    import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
024    import java.io.FileOutputStream;
025    import java.io.IOException;
026    import java.io.OutputStream;
027    import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
028    import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
029    import java.net.URLEncoder;
030    import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
031    import java.security.SecureRandom;
032    import java.security.spec.KeySpec;
033    import java.util.ArrayList;
034    import java.util.Arrays;
035    import java.util.Collections;
036    import java.util.Date;
037    import java.util.HashMap;
038    import java.util.LinkedList;
039    import java.util.List;
040    import java.util.Map;
041    import java.util.Set;
042    import java.util.SortedSet;
043    import java.util.Timer;
044    import java.util.TimerTask;
045    import java.util.TreeSet;
046    import java.util.UUID;
048    import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
049    import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
050    import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
052    import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CryptoException;
053    import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter;
054    import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithIV;
055    import org.cumulus4j.crypto.Cipher;
056    import org.cumulus4j.crypto.CipherOperationMode;
057    import org.cumulus4j.crypto.CryptoRegistry;
058    import org.cumulus4j.keystore.prop.LongProperty;
059    import org.cumulus4j.keystore.prop.Property;
060    import org.slf4j.Logger;
061    import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
063    /**
064     * <p>
065     * <code>KeyStore</code> is a storage facility for cryptographic keys.
066     * </p>
067     * <p>
068     * An instance of <code>KeyStore</code> manages a file in the local file system, in which it stores
069     * the keys used by the Cumulus4j-DataNucleus-plug-in in an encrypted form. All data written to the
070     * file is encrypted, hence plain data never touches the local file system (except for
071     * <a target="_blank" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swap_space">swapping</a>!).
072     * </p>
073     * <p>
074     * For every read/write operation, the <code>KeyStore</code> requires a user to authenticate via a
075     * user-name and a password. The password is used to encrypt/decrypt an internally used master-key
076     * which is then used to encrypt/decrypt the actual keys used by the Cumulus4j-DataNucleus-plug-in.
077     * Due to this internal master key, a user can be added or deleted and a user's password can be
078     * changed without the need of decrypting and encrypting all the contents of the KeyStore.
079     * </p>
080     * <p>
081     * By default, a <code>KeyStore</code> {@link #generateKey(String, char[]) generates keys} with a size
082     * of 256 bit. This can be controlled, however, by specifying the system property
083     * {@value #SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY_SIZE} (e.g. passing the argument "-Dcumulus4j.KeyStore.keySize=128"
084     * to the <code>java</code> command line will switch to 128-bit-keys).
085     * </p>
086     * <p>
087     * <b>Important:</b> As the master key is generated when the first
088     * {@link #createUser(String, char[], String, char[]) user is created} and is then not changed anymore, you must therefore
089     * specify the desired key-size already at the moment when you initialise the key store (i.e. create the first user). If
090     * you change the key-size later, it will affect only those keys that are created later.
091     * </p>
092     * <p>
093     * Note, that the "Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files" does not
094     * need to be installed for very strong cryptography, because we don't use the JCE (see {@link Cipher}).
095     * </p>
096     * <h3>File format of the key store file (version 1)</h3>
097     * <p>
098     * <table border="1" width="100%">
099     *      <tbody>
100     *      <tr>
101     *              <td align="right" valign="top"><b>Bytes</b></td><td valign="top"><b>Descrition</b></td>
102     *      </tr>
103     *      <tr>
104     *              <td align="right" valign="top">17</td><td valign="top">Header "Cumulus4jKeyStore" (ASCII encoded)</td>
105     *      </tr>
106     *      <tr>
107     *              <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int: File version</td>
108     *      </tr>
109     *      <tr>
110     *              <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int: Number of entries in 'Block A' to follow.</td>
111     *      </tr>
112     *      <tr>
113     *              <td colspan="2">
114     *              <table bgcolor="#F0F0F0" border="1" width="100%">
115     *                      <tbody>
116     *                      <tr><td bgcolor="#D0D0D0" colspan="2"><b>Block A: String constants</b></td></tr>
117     *                      <tr>
118     *                              <td colspan="2">
119     * In order to reduce the file size (and thus increase the write speed), various
120     * strings like encryption algorithm, checksum algorithm and the like are not written
121     * again and again for every key, but instead only once here. In every key, these
122     * Strings are then referenced instead by their position-index (zero-based).
123     *                              </td>
124     *                      </tr>
125     *
126     *                      <tr>
127     *                              <td align="right" valign="top"><b>Bytes</b></td><td valign="top"><b>Descrition</b></td>
128     *                      </tr>
129     *                      <tr>
130     *                              <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">short <i>len</i>: Number of bytes to follow (written by {@link DataOutputStream#writeUTF(String)}).</td>
131     *                      </tr>
132     *                      <tr>
133     *                              <td align="right" valign="top"><i>len</i></td><td valign="top">String: Constant&apos;s value (written by {@link DataOutputStream#writeUTF(String)}).</td>
134     *                      </tr>
135     *                      </tbody>
136     *              </table>
137     *              </td>
138     *      </tr>
139     *
140     *
141     *      <tr>
142     *              <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int: Number of entries in 'Block B' to follow.</td>
143     *      </tr>
144     *  <tr>
145     *              <td colspan="2">
146     *              <table bgcolor="#F0F0F0" border="1" width="100%">
147     *                      <tbody>
148     *                      <tr><td bgcolor="#D0D0D0" colspan="2"><b>Block B: User-key-map</b></td></tr>
149     *
150     *                      <tr>
151     *                              <td colspan="2">
152     *                                      For every user, the master-key is stored encrypted with the user's password in this block.
153     *                              </td>
154     *                      </tr>
155     *
156     *                      <tr>
157     *                              <td align="right" valign="top"><b>Bytes</b></td><td valign="top"><b>Descrition</b></td>
158     *                      </tr>
159     *
160     *                      <tr>
161     *                              <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">short <i>len1</i>: User name: Number of bytes to follow (written by {@link DataOutputStream#writeUTF(String)}).</td>
162     *                      </tr>
163     *                      <tr>
164     *                              <td align="right" valign="top"><i>len1</i></td><td valign="top">String: User name (written by {@link DataOutputStream#writeUTF(String)}).</td>
165     *                      </tr>
166     *
167     *                      <tr>
168     *                              <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int: Key size for the password-based key (in bits! i.e. usually 128 or 256).</td>
169     *                      </tr>
170     *                      <tr>
171     *                              <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int: Iteration count for the password-based key.</td>
172     *                      </tr>
173     *                      <tr>
174     *                              <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int: Reference to the name of the key-generator-algorithm for creating the password-based key (index in the list of 'Block A').</td>
175     *                      </tr>
176     *
177     *                      <tr>
178     *                              <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">UNSIGNED short <i>len2</i>: Salt: Number of bytes to follow (written by {@link KeyStoreUtil#writeByteArrayWithShortLengthHeader(DataOutputStream, byte[])}).</td>
179     *                      </tr>
180     *                      <tr>
181     *                              <td align="right" valign="top"><i>len2</i></td><td valign="top">byte[]: Salt to be used when generating the password-based key (written by {@link KeyStoreUtil#writeByteArrayWithShortLengthHeader(DataOutputStream, byte[])}).</td>
182     *                      </tr>
183     *
184     *                      <!-- BEGIN written by {@link AbstractEncryptedData#write(DataOutputStream, Map)} -->
185     *                              <tr>
186     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int: Reference to the name of the encryption algorithm used to encrypt this record's data (index in the list of 'Block A').</td>
187     *                              </tr>
188     *
189     *                              <tr>
190     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">UNSIGNED short <i>lenIV</i>: IV: Number of bytes to follow (written by {@link KeyStoreUtil#writeByteArrayWithShortLengthHeader(DataOutputStream, byte[])}).</td>
191     *                              </tr>
192     *                              <tr>
193     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top"><i>lenIV</i></td><td valign="top">byte[]: The actual IV (initialisation vector) used to encrypt the key's data (written by {@link KeyStoreUtil#writeByteArrayWithShortLengthHeader(DataOutputStream, byte[])}).</td>
194     *                              </tr>
195     *
196     *                              <tr>
197     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int: Reference to the name of the <a target="_blank" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_authentication_code">MAC</a> algorithm used to authenticate this record's data (index in the list of 'Block A').</td>
198     *                              </tr>
199     *
200     *                              <tr>
201     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">short <i>lenMACKey</i>: MAC key: Number of bytes in the MAC's key.</td>
202     *                              </tr>
203     *                              <tr>
204     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">short <i>lenMACIV</i>: MAC IV: Number of bytes in the MAC's IV.</td>
205     *                              </tr>
206     *                              <tr>
207     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">short <i>lenMAC</i>: MAC: Number of bytes in the MAC.</td>
208     *                              </tr>
209     *
210     *                              <tr>
211     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">UNSIGNED short <i>lenEncrypted</i>: Number of encrypted bytes following (written by {@link KeyStoreUtil#writeByteArrayWithShortLengthHeader(DataOutputStream, byte[])}).</td>
212     *                              </tr>
213     *
214     *                              <tr>
215     *                                      <td colspan="2">
216     *                                              <table bgcolor="#E0E0E0" border="1" width="100%">
217     *                                                      <tbody>
218     *                                                              <tr><td bgcolor="#C0C0C0" colspan="2"><b>ENCRYPTED</b></td></tr>
219     *                                                              <tr>
220     *                                                                      <td align="right" valign="top"><i>lenMACKey</i></td><td valign="top">MAC key: The actual MAC's key (random).</td>
221     *                                                              </tr>
222     *                                                              <tr>
223     *                                                                      <td align="right" valign="top"><i>lenMACIV</i></td><td valign="top">MAC IV: The actual MAC's IV (random).</td>
224     *                                                              </tr>
225     *                                                              <tr>
226     *                                                                      <td align="right" valign="top"><i>all until MAC</i></td><td valign="top">The actual data (payload).</td>
227     *                                                              </tr>
228     *                                                              <tr>
229     *                                                                      <td align="right" valign="top"><i>lenMAC</i></td><td valign="top">MAC: The actual MAC.</td>
230     *                                                              </tr>
231     *                                                      </tbody>
232     *                                              </table>
233     *                                      </td>
234     *                              </tr>
235     *
236     *                      <!-- END written by {@link AbstractEncryptedData#write(DataOutputStream, Map)} -->
237     *
238     *                      </tbody>
239     *              </table>
240     *              </td>
241     *      </tr>
242     *
243     *
244     *      <tr>
245     *              <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int: Number of entries in 'Block C' to follow.</td>
246     *      </tr>
247     *      <tr>
248     *              <td colspan="2">
249     *              <table bgcolor="#F0F0F0" border="1" width="100%">
250     *                      <tbody>
251     *                      <tr><td bgcolor="#D0D0D0" colspan="2"><b>Block C: Key-ID-key-map</b></td></tr>
252     *
253     *                      <tr>
254     *                              <td colspan="2">
255     *                                      This block contains the actual keys. Every key is encrypted with the master-key.
256     *                              </td>
257     *                      </tr>
258     *
259     *                      <tr>
260     *                              <td align="right" valign="top"><b>Bytes</b></td><td valign="top"><b>Descrition</b></td>
261     *                      </tr>
262     *
263     *                      <tr>
264     *                              <td align="right" valign="top">8</td><td valign="top">long: Key identifier.</td>
265     *                      </tr>
266     *
267     *                      <!-- BEGIN written by {@link AbstractEncryptedData#write(DataOutputStream, Map)} -->
268     *                              <tr>
269     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int: Reference to the name of the encryption algorithm used to encrypt this record's data (index in the list of 'Block A').</td>
270     *                              </tr>
271     *
272     *                              <tr>
273     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">UNSIGNED short <i>lenIV</i>: IV: Number of bytes to follow (written by {@link KeyStoreUtil#writeByteArrayWithShortLengthHeader(DataOutputStream, byte[])}).</td>
274     *                              </tr>
275     *                              <tr>
276     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top"><i>lenIV</i></td><td valign="top">byte[]: The actual IV (initialisation vector) used to encrypt the key's data (written by {@link KeyStoreUtil#writeByteArrayWithShortLengthHeader(DataOutputStream, byte[])}).</td>
277     *                              </tr>
278     *
279     *                              <tr>
280     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int: Reference to the name of the MAC algorithm used to authenticate this record's data (index in the list of 'Block A').</td>
281     *                              </tr>
282     *
283     *                              <tr>
284     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">short <i>lenMACKey</i>: MAC key: Number of bytes in the MAC's key.</td>
285     *                              </tr>
286     *                              <tr>
287     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">short <i>lenMACIV</i>: MAC IV: Number of bytes in the MAC's IV.</td>
288     *                              </tr>
289     *                              <tr>
290     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">short <i>lenMAC</i>: MAC: Number of bytes in the MAC.</td>
291     *                              </tr>
292     *
293     *                              <tr>
294     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">UNSIGNED short <i>lenEncrypted</i>: Number of encrypted bytes following (written by {@link KeyStoreUtil#writeByteArrayWithShortLengthHeader(DataOutputStream, byte[])}).</td>
295     *                              </tr>
296     *
297     *                              <tr>
298     *                                      <td colspan="2">
299     *                                              <table bgcolor="#E0E0E0" border="1" width="100%">
300     *                                                      <tbody>
301     *                                                              <tr><td bgcolor="#C0C0C0" colspan="2"><b>ENCRYPTED</b></td></tr>
302     *                                                              <tr>
303     *                                                                      <td align="right" valign="top"><i>lenMACKey</i></td><td valign="top">MAC key: The actual MAC's key (random).</td>
304     *                                                              </tr>
305     *                                                              <tr>
306     *                                                                      <td align="right" valign="top"><i>lenMACIV</i></td><td valign="top">MAC IV: The actual MAC's IV (random).</td>
307     *                                                              </tr>
308     *                                                              <tr>
309     *                                                                      <td align="right" valign="top"><i>all until MAC</i></td><td valign="top">The actual data (payload).</td>
310     *                                                              </tr>
311     *                                                              <tr>
312     *                                                                      <td align="right" valign="top"><i>lenMAC</i></td><td valign="top">MAC: The actual MAC.</td>
313     *                                                              </tr>
314     *                                                      </tbody>
315     *                                              </table>
316     *                                      </td>
317     *                              </tr>
318     *
319     *                      <!-- END written by {@link AbstractEncryptedData#write(DataOutputStream, Map)} -->
320     *
321     *                      </tbody>
322     *              </table>
323     *              </td>
324     *      </tr>
325     *
326     *
327     *      <tr>
328     *              <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int: Number of entries in 'Block D' to follow.</td>
329     *      </tr>
330     *      <tr>
331     *              <td colspan="2">
332     *              <table bgcolor="#F0F0F0" border="1" width="100%">
333     *                      <tbody>
334     *                      <tr><td bgcolor="#D0D0D0" colspan="2"><b>Block D: Properties</b></td></tr>
335     *                      <tr>
336     *                              <td colspan="2">
337     * See {@link Property} for details about what this block is used for.
338     *                              </td>
339     *                      </tr>
340     *                      <tr>
341     *                              <td align="right" valign="top"><b>Bytes</b></td><td valign="top"><b>Descrition</b></td>
342     *                      </tr>
343     *
344     *                      <tr>
345     *                              <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">short <i>len1</i>: Property name: Number of bytes to follow (written by {@link DataOutputStream#writeUTF(String)}).</td>
346     *                      </tr>
347     *                      <tr>
348     *                              <td align="right" valign="top"><i>len1</i></td><td valign="top">String: Property name (written by {@link DataOutputStream#writeUTF(String)}).</td>
349     *                      </tr>
350     *
351     *                      <tr>
352     *                              <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int: Reference to the fully qualified class name of the {@link Property} (index in the list of 'Block A').</td>
353     *                      </tr>
354     *
355     *                      <!-- BEGIN written by {@link AbstractEncryptedData#write(DataOutputStream, Map)} -->
356     *                              <tr>
357     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int: Reference to the name of the encryption algorithm used to encrypt this record's data (index in the list of 'Block A').</td>
358     *                              </tr>
359     *
360     *                              <tr>
361     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">UNSIGNED short <i>lenIV</i>: IV: Number of bytes to follow (written by {@link KeyStoreUtil#writeByteArrayWithShortLengthHeader(DataOutputStream, byte[])}).</td>
362     *                              </tr>
363     *                              <tr>
364     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top"><i>lenIV</i></td><td valign="top">byte[]: The actual IV (initialisation vector) used to encrypt the key's data (written by {@link KeyStoreUtil#writeByteArrayWithShortLengthHeader(DataOutputStream, byte[])}).</td>
365     *                              </tr>
366     *
367     *                              <tr>
368     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int: Reference to the name of the MAC algorithm used to authenticate this record's data (index in the list of 'Block A').</td>
369     *                              </tr>
370     *
371     *                              <tr>
372     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">short <i>lenMACKey</i>: MAC key: Number of bytes in the MAC's key.</td>
373     *                              </tr>
374     *                              <tr>
375     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">short <i>lenMACIV</i>: MAC IV: Number of bytes in the MAC's IV.</td>
376     *                              </tr>
377     *                              <tr>
378     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">2</td><td valign="top">short <i>lenMAC</i>: MAC: Number of bytes in the MAC.</td>
379     *                              </tr>
380     *
381     *                              <tr>
382     *                                      <td align="right" valign="top">4</td><td valign="top">int <i>lenEncrypted</i>: Number of encrypted bytes following (written by {@link KeyStoreUtil#writeByteArrayWithIntegerLengthHeader(DataOutputStream, byte[])}).</td>
383     *                              </tr>
384     *
385     *                              <tr>
386     *                                      <td colspan="2">
387     *                                              <table bgcolor="#E0E0E0" border="1" width="100%">
388     *                                                      <tbody>
389     *                                                              <tr><td bgcolor="#C0C0C0" colspan="2"><b>ENCRYPTED</b></td></tr>
390     *                                                              <tr>
391     *                                                                      <td align="right" valign="top"><i>lenMACKey</i></td><td valign="top">MAC key: The actual MAC's key (random).</td>
392     *                                                              </tr>
393     *                                                              <tr>
394     *                                                                      <td align="right" valign="top"><i>lenMACIV</i></td><td valign="top">MAC IV: The actual MAC's IV (random).</td>
395     *                                                              </tr>
396     *                                                              <tr>
397     *                                                                      <td align="right" valign="top"><i>all until MAC</i></td><td valign="top">The actual data (payload).</td>
398     *                                                              </tr>
399     *                                                              <tr>
400     *                                                                      <td align="right" valign="top"><i>lenMAC</i></td><td valign="top">MAC: The actual MAC.</td>
401     *                                                              </tr>
402     *                                                      </tbody>
403     *                                              </table>
404     *                                      </td>
405     *                              </tr>
406     *
407     *                      <!-- END written by {@link AbstractEncryptedData#write(DataOutputStream, Map)} -->
408     *
409     *                      <tr>
410     *                              <td align="right" valign="top">20</td><td valign="top">SHA1 checksum over the complete file except for the header "Cumulus4jKeyStore", i.e. from the file version at byte offset 17 (including) till here (excluding).</td>
411     *                      </tr>
412     *                      </tbody>
413     *              </table>
414     *              </td>
415     *      </tr>
416     *
417     *      </tbody>
418     * </table>
419     * </p>
420     *
421     * @author Marco หงุ่ยตระกูล-Schulze - marco at nightlabs dot de
422     */
423    public class KeyStore
424    {
425            static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KeyStore.class);
427    //      private static final BouncyCastleProvider bouncyCastleProvider = new BouncyCastleProvider();
428    //      static {
429    //              Security.insertProviderAt(bouncyCastleProvider, 2);
430    //
431    //              KeyGenerator kg;
432    //              try {
433    //                      kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
434    //              } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
435    //                      logger.warn("KeyGenerator.getInstance(\"AES\") failed: " + e, e);
436    //                      kg = null;
437    //              }
438    //
439    //              if (kg == null || kg.getProvider() != bouncyCastleProvider)
440    //                      logger.warn("BouncyCastleProvider was NOT registered!!!");
441    //      }
443            /**
444             * <p>
445             * System property to control the size of the keys {@link #generateKey(String, char[]) generated}. This
446             * includes not only the actual keys for the main encryption/decryption (in the database), but also the
447             * master key used to protect the file managed by the <code>KeyStore</code>.
448             * </p>
449             * <p>
450             * By default (if the system property {@value #SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY_SIZE} is not specified), keys will have a size of 256 bit.
451             * </p>
452             * <p>
453             * Note, that specifying the system property does not change any old keys - only new keys are generated
454             * with the currently active key size. Therefore, if you want to ensure that the internal master key is
455             * only 128 bit long, you have to make sure that the proper key size is specified when the first
456             * {@link #createUser(String, char[], String, char[]) user is created}!
457             * </p>
458             */
459            public static final String SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY_SIZE = "cumulus4j.KeyStore" + ".keySize";
461            /**
462             * <p>
463             * System property to control the encryption algorithm that is used to encrypt data within the key-store. Whenever a new user is
464             * created or a new key is generated, data has to be encrypted (note that the encryption does not happen directly
465             * before data is written to the file, but already most data in memory is encrypted!).
466             * </p>
467             * <p>
468             * By default (if the system property {@value #SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM} is not specified),
469             * "Twofish/GCM/NoPadding" is used. For example, to switch to "AES/CFB/NoPadding", you'd have
470             * to specify the command line argument "-Dcumulus4j.KeyStore.encryptionAlgorithm=AES/CFB/NoPadding".
471             * </p>
472             * <p>
473             * See <a target="_blank" href="http://cumulus4j.org/1.1.0/documentation/supported-algorithms.html">this document</a>
474             * for further information about what values are supported.
475             * </p>
476             * <p>
477             * <b>Important:</b> The default MAC algorithm is "NONE", which is a very bad choice for most encryption algorithms!
478             * Therefore, you must change the MAC algorithm via the system property {@value #SYSTEM_PROPERTY_MAC_ALGORITHM}
479             * if you change the encryption algorithm!
480             * </p>
481             */
482            public static final String SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM = "cumulus4j.KeyStore" + ".encryptionAlgorithm";
484            /**
485             * <p>
486             * System property to control the <a target="_blank" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_authentication_code">MAC</a>
487             * algorithm that is used to protect the data within the key-store against manipulation.
488             * </p>
489             * <p>
490             * Whenever data is encrypted, this MAC algorithm is used to calculate a MAC over the original plain-text-data.
491             * The MAC is then stored together with the plain-text-data within the encrypted area.
492             * When data is decrypted, the MAC is calculated again over the decrypted plain-text-data and compared to the
493             * original MAC in order to make sure (1) that data was correctly decrypted [i.e. the password provided by the user
494             * is correct] and (2) that the data in the key-store was not manipulated by an attacker.
495             * </p>
496             * <p>
497             * The MAC algorithm used during encryption is stored in the encryption-record's meta-data in order
498             * to use the correct algorithm during decryption, no matter what current MAC algorithm is configured.
499             * Therefore, you can safely change this setting at any time - it will affect future encryption
500             * operations, only.
501             * </p>
502             * <p>
503             * Some block cipher modes (e.g. <a target="_blank" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galois/Counter_Mode">GCM</a>) already include authentication
504             * and therefore no MAC is necessary. In this case, you can specify the MAC algorithm {@value #MAC_ALGORITHM_NONE}.
505             * </p>
506             * <p>
507             * <b>Important:</b> If you specify the MAC algorithm "NONE" and use an encryption algorithm without
508             * authentication, the key store will not be able to detect a wrong password and instead return
509             * corrupt data!!! Be VERY careful with the MAC algorithm "NONE"!!!
510             * </p>
511             * <p>
512             * The default value (used when this system property is not specified) is "NONE", because the default
513             * encryption algorithm is "Twofish/GCM/NoPadding", which (due to "GCM") does not require an additional
514             * MAC.
515             * </p>
516             */
517            public static final String SYSTEM_PROPERTY_MAC_ALGORITHM = "cumulus4j.KeyStore" + ".macAlgorithm";
519            /**
520             * <p>
521             * Constant for deactivating the <a target="_blank" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_authentication_code">MAC</a>.
522             * </p>
523             * <p>
524             * <b>Important: Deactivating the MAC is dangerous!</b> Choose this value only, if you are absolutely
525             * sure that your {@link #SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM encryption algorithm} already
526             * provides authentication - like <a target="_blank" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galois/Counter_Mode">GCM</a>
527             * does for example.
528             * </p>
529             * @see #SYSTEM_PROPERTY_MAC_ALGORITHM
530             */
531            public static final String MAC_ALGORITHM_NONE = "NONE";
533            private static final String KEY_STORE_PROPERTY_NAME_NEXT_KEY_ID = "nextKeyID";
535            private SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom();
537            private static Timer expireCacheEntryTimer = new Timer(KeyStore.class.getSimpleName(), true);
539            private TimerTask expireCacheEntryTimerTask = new ExipreCacheEntryTimerTask(this);
541            private KeyStoreData keyStoreData = new KeyStoreData();
543            private static class ExipreCacheEntryTimerTask extends TimerTask
544            {
545                    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExipreCacheEntryTimerTask.class);
547                    private WeakReference<KeyStore> keyStoreRef;
549                    public ExipreCacheEntryTimerTask(KeyStore keyStore)
550                    {
551                            if (keyStore == null)
552                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("keyStore == null");
554                            this.keyStoreRef = new WeakReference<KeyStore>(keyStore);
555                    }
557                    @Override
558                    public void run()
559                    {
560                            try {
561                                    KeyStore keyStore = keyStoreRef.get();
562                                    if (keyStore == null) {
563                                            logger.info("run: KeyStore has been garbage-collected. Removing this ExipreCacheEntryTimerTask.");
564                                            this.cancel();
565                                            return;
566                                    }
568                                    Date removeCachedEntriesOlderThanThisDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 3L * 60L * 1000L); // TODO make this configurable!
570                                    LinkedList<String> userNamesToExpire = new LinkedList<String>();
571                                    synchronized (keyStore) {
572                                            for (CachedMasterKey cmk : keyStore.cache_userName2cachedMasterKey.values()) {
573                                                    if (cmk.getLastUse().before(removeCachedEntriesOlderThanThisDate))
574                                                            userNamesToExpire.add(cmk.getUserName());
575                                            }
576                                    }
578                                    for (String userName : userNamesToExpire) {
579                                            logger.info("run: Expiring cache for user '{}'.", userName);
580                                            keyStore.clearCache(userName);
581                                    }
583                                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
584                                            synchronized (keyStore) {
585                                                    logger.debug("run: {} users left in cache.", keyStore.cache_userName2cachedMasterKey.size());
586                                            }
587                                    }
588                            } catch (Throwable x) {
589                                    // The TimerThread is cancelled, if a task throws an exception. Furthermore, they are not logged at all.
590                                    // Since we do not want the TimerThread to die, we catch everything (Throwable - not only Exception) and log
591                                    // it here. IMHO there's nothing better we can do. Marco :-)
592                                    logger.error("run: " + x, x);
593                            }
594                    }
595            }
597            /**
598             * Gets the key-size that is currently configured. Therefore, this method checks, if the
599             * system property {@value #SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY_SIZE} has been specified, and if so returns its value.
600             * If not, it falls back to 256.
601             *
602             * @return the current key-size.
603             */
604            int getKeySize()
605            {
606                    int ks = keySize;
608                    if (ks == 0) {
609                            String keySizePropName = SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY_SIZE;
610                            String keySizePropValue = System.getProperty(keySizePropName);
611                            if (keySizePropValue == null || keySizePropValue.trim().isEmpty()) {
612                                    ks = 256; // default value, if the property was not defined.
613                                    logger.info("getKeySize: System property '{}' is not set. Using default key size ({} bit).", keySizePropName, ks);
614                            }
615                            else {
616                                    try {
617                                            ks = Integer.parseInt(keySizePropValue.trim());
618                                    } catch (NumberFormatException x) {
619                                            NumberFormatException n = new NumberFormatException("Value of system property '" + keySizePropName + "' is not a valid integer!");
620                                            n.initCause(x);
621                                            throw n;
622                                    }
623                                    if (ks < 1)
624                                            throw new IllegalStateException("Value of system property '" + keySizePropName + "' is " + keySize + " but must be >= 1!!!");
626                                    logger.info("getKeySize: System property '{}' is set to {} bit. Using this key size.", keySizePropName, ks);
627                            }
628                            keySize = ks;
629                    }
631                    return ks;
632            }
633            private int keySize = 0;
636            String getEncryptionAlgorithm()
637            {
638                    String ea = encryptionAlgorithm;
640                    if (ea == null) {
641                            String encryptionAlgorithmPropName = SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM;
642                            String encryptionAlgorithmPropValue = System.getProperty(encryptionAlgorithmPropName);
643                            if (encryptionAlgorithmPropValue == null || encryptionAlgorithmPropValue.trim().isEmpty()) {
644                                    ea = "Twofish/GCM/NoPadding"; // default value, if the property was not defined.
645    //                              ea = "Twofish/CBC/PKCS5Padding"; // default value, if the property was not defined.
646    //                              ea = "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"; // default value, if the property was not defined.
647    //                              ea = "AES/CFB/NoPadding"; // default value, if the property was not defined.
648                                    logger.info("getEncryptionAlgorithm: System property '{}' is not set. Using default algorithm '{}'.", encryptionAlgorithmPropName, ea);
649                            }
650                            else {
651                                    ea = encryptionAlgorithmPropValue.trim();
652                                    logger.info("getEncryptionAlgorithm: System property '{}' is set to '{}'. Using this encryption algorithm.", encryptionAlgorithmPropName, ea);
653                            }
654                            encryptionAlgorithm = ea;
655                    }
657                    return ea;
658            }
659            private String encryptionAlgorithm = null;
662            String getMACAlgorithm()
663            {
664                    String ma = macAlgorithm;
666                    if (ma == null) {
667                            String macAlgorithmPropName = SYSTEM_PROPERTY_MAC_ALGORITHM;
668                            String macAlgorithmPropValue = System.getProperty(macAlgorithmPropName);
669                            if (macAlgorithmPropValue == null || macAlgorithmPropValue.trim().isEmpty()) {
670                                    ma = MAC_ALGORITHM_NONE; // default value, if the property was not defined.
671                                    logger.info("getMACAlgorithm: System property '{}' is not set. Using default MAC algorithm '{}'.", macAlgorithmPropName, ma);
672                            }
673                            else {
674                                    ma = macAlgorithmPropValue.trim();
675                                    logger.info("getMACAlgorithm: System property '{}' is set to '{}'. Using this MAC algorithm.", macAlgorithmPropName, ma);
676                            }
677                            macAlgorithm = ma;
678                    }
680                    return ma;
681            }
682            private String macAlgorithm = null;
685            byte[] generateKey(int keySize)
686            {
687                    byte[] result = new byte[(keySize + 7) / 8];
688                    secureRandom.nextBytes(result);
689                    return result;
690            }
692            byte[] generateKey()
693            {
694                    return generateKey(getKeySize());
695    //              return new SecretKeySpec(
696    //                              generateKey(getKeySize()),
697    //                              getBaseAlgorithm(getEncryptionAlgorithm())
698    //              );
699            }
701            private String keyStoreID;
702            private File keyStoreFile;
704            /**
705             * <p>
706             * Create a new instance of <code>KeyStore</code>.
707             * </p>
708             * <p>
709             * If the file specified by <code>keyStoreFile</code> exists, it is read into memory. If it does not exist,
710             * an empty <code>KeyStore</code> is created and written to this file.
711             * </p>
712             * @param keyStoreID the identifier that is used to reference this key-store. Usually, this is the simple file name
713             * without path and without extension. The <code>keyStoreID</code> is currently not stored in the key-store-file -
714             * it is transient.
715             * @param keyStoreFile the file to be read (if existing) or created. Note that temporary files (and later maybe backup files, too)
716             * are created in the same directory (i.e. in {@link File#getParentFile() keyStoreFile.getParentFile()}).
717             *
718             * @throws IOException if reading from or writing to the local file-system failed.
719             */
720            public KeyStore(String keyStoreID, File keyStoreFile) throws IOException
721            {
722                    if (keyStoreFile == null)
723                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("keyStoreFile == null");
725                    if (keyStoreID == null)
726                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("keyStoreID == null");
728                    // TODO maybe be more restrictive?! E.g. allow only MIME-base64 characters?
729                    if (keyStoreID.indexOf('*') > 0)
730                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("keyStoreID must not contain '*'");
732                    if (keyStoreID.indexOf('_') > 0)
733                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("keyStoreID must not contain '_'");
735                    if (keyStoreID.indexOf(' ') > 0)
736                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("keyStoreID must not contain ' '");
738                    this.keyStoreID = keyStoreID;
739                    this.keyStoreFile = keyStoreFile;
741                    if (!keyStoreFile.getParentFile().isDirectory())
742                            throw new FileNotFoundException("Path does not exist or is not a directory: " + keyStoreFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath());
744                    // In case the old file was already deleted, but the new not yet renamed, we check, if a new file
745                    // exists and the old file is missing - in this case, we load the new file.
746                    File newKeyStoreFile = getNewKeyStoreFile();
747                    if (!keyStoreFile.exists() && newKeyStoreFile.exists())
748                            keyStoreFile = newKeyStoreFile;
750                    FileInputStream in = keyStoreFile.length() == 0 ? null : new FileInputStream(keyStoreFile);
751                    if (in != null) {
752                            try {
753                                    keyStoreData.readFromStream(in);
754                            } finally {
755                                    in.close();
756                            }
757                    }
758                    else
759                            storeToFile(); // create the file (empty) already now, if it does not exist.
761                    expireCacheEntryTimer.schedule(expireCacheEntryTimerTask, 60000, 60000); // TODO make this configurable
762            }
764            public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
765                    System.out.println(URLEncoder.encode("_*", "UTF-8"));
766            }
768            /**
769             * Get the identifier that is used to reference this key-store. Usually, this is the simple file name
770             * without path and without extension. The <code>keyStoreID</code> is currently not stored in the key-store-file -
771             * it is transient. Note, though, that it is used persistently inside the actual database!
772             * @return the identifier that is used to reference this key-store.
773             */
774            public String getKeyStoreID() {
775                    return keyStoreID;
776            }
778            File getNewKeyStoreFile()
779            {
780                    return new File(keyStoreFile.getParentFile(), keyStoreFile.getName() + ".new");
781            }
783            /**
784             * Determine if this <code>KeyStore</code> is completely empty. As soon as the first user has been
785             * created, this method will return <code>false</code>.
786             *
787             * @return <code>true</code> if this <code>KeyStore</code> contains neither any user nor any key, i.e. is totally empty;
788             * <code>false</code> otherwise.
789             */
790            public synchronized boolean isEmpty()
791            {
792                    return keyStoreData.user2keyMap.isEmpty();
793            }
795            synchronized long nextKeyID(String authUserName, char[] authPassword) throws AuthenticationException
796            {
797                    LongProperty property = getProperty(authUserName, authPassword, LongProperty.class, KEY_STORE_PROPERTY_NAME_NEXT_KEY_ID);
798                    if (property.getValue() == null)
799                            property.setValue(1L);
801                    long result = property.getValue();
802                    property.setValue(result + 1);
803                    _setProperty(authUserName, authPassword, property);
804                    return result;
805            }
807            private Map<String, CachedMasterKey> cache_userName2cachedMasterKey = new HashMap<String, CachedMasterKey>();
809            public synchronized int getMasterKeySize(String authUserName, char[] authPassword)
810            throws AuthenticationException
811            {
812                    MasterKey masterKey = getMasterKey(authUserName, authPassword);
813                    return masterKey.getEncoded().length * 8;
814            }
816            /**
817             * Authenticate and get the master-key. If there is a cache-entry existing, directly return this
818             * (after comparing the password); otherwise decrypt the master-key using the given password.
819             *
820             * @param authUserName the user from whose slot to take and decrypt the master-key.
821             * @param authPassword the password with which to try to decrypt the master-key.
822             * @return the decrypted, plain master-key.
823             * @throws AuthenticationException if the specified <code>authUserName</code> does not exist or the specified <code>authPassword</code>
824             * is not correct for the given <code>authUserName</code>.
825             */
826            synchronized MasterKey getMasterKey(String authUserName, char[] authPassword)
827            throws AuthenticationException
828            {
829    //              logger.trace("getMasterKey: authUserName={} authPassword={}", authUserName, new String(authPassword));
831                    CachedMasterKey cachedMasterKey = cache_userName2cachedMasterKey.get(authUserName);
832                    MasterKey result = cachedMasterKey == null ? null : cachedMasterKey.getMasterKey();
833                    if (result != null && Arrays.equals(authPassword, cachedMasterKey.getPassword())) {
834                            cachedMasterKey.updateLastUse();
835                            return result;
836                    }
837                    result = null;
839                    EncryptedMasterKey encryptedKey = keyStoreData.user2keyMap.get(authUserName);
840                    if (encryptedKey == null)
841                            logger.warn("getMasterKey: Unknown userName: {}", authUserName); // NOT throw exception here to not disclose the true reason of the AuthenticationException - see below
842                    else {
843                            PlaintextDataAndMAC plaintextDataAndMAC;
844                            try {
845                                    Cipher cipher = getCipherForUserPassword(
846                                                    authPassword,
847                                                    encryptedKey.getPasswordBasedKeySize(),
848                                                    encryptedKey.getPasswordBasedIterationCount(),
849                                                    encryptedKey.getPasswordBasedKeyGeneratorAlgorithm(),
850                                                    encryptedKey.getSalt(),
851                                                    encryptedKey.getEncryptionIV(), encryptedKey.getEncryptionAlgorithm(),
852                                                    CipherOperationMode.DECRYPT
853                                    );
854                                    byte[] decrypted = cipher.doFinal(encryptedKey.getEncryptedData());
856                                    plaintextDataAndMAC = new PlaintextDataAndMAC(decrypted, encryptedKey);
857                            } catch (CryptoException x) {
858                                    logger.warn("getMasterKey: Caught CryptoException indicating a wrong password for user \"{}\"!", authUserName);
859                                    plaintextDataAndMAC = null;
860                            } catch (GeneralSecurityException x) {
861                                    throw new RuntimeException(x);
862                            }
864                            try {
865                                    if (plaintextDataAndMAC != null && plaintextDataAndMAC.verifyMAC())
866                                            result = new MasterKey(plaintextDataAndMAC.getData());
867                                    else
868                                            logger.warn("getMasterKey: Wrong password for user \"{}\"! MAC verification failed.", authUserName);
869                            } catch (GeneralSecurityException x) {
870                                    throw new RuntimeException(x);
871                            }
872                    }
874                    // We check only once at the end of this method if we could successfully authenticate and otherwise
875                    // throw a AuthenticationException. If we threw the AuthenticationException at different locations (even with the same
876                    // message), and attacker might know from the stack trace (=> line number) whether the user-name
877                    // or the password was wrong. This information will be logged, but not disclosed in the exception.
878                    // Marco :-)
879                    if (result == null)
880                            throw new AuthenticationException("Unknown user \"" + authUserName + "\" or wrong password!");
882                    cache_userName2cachedMasterKey.put(authUserName, new CachedMasterKey(authUserName, authPassword, result));
883                    return result;
884            }
886            private Cipher getCipherForUserPassword(
887                            char[] password,
888                            int passwordBasedKeySize, int passwordBasedIterationCount, String passwordBasedKeyGeneratorAlgorithm,
889                            byte[] salt, byte[] iv, String algorithm, CipherOperationMode opmode) throws GeneralSecurityException
890            {
891                    if (iv == null) {
892                            if (CipherOperationMode.ENCRYPT != opmode)
893                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("iv must not be null when decrypting!");
894                    }
895                    else {
896                            if (CipherOperationMode.ENCRYPT == opmode)
897                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("iv must be null when encrypting!");
898                    }
900                    if (algorithm == null) {
901                            if (CipherOperationMode.ENCRYPT != opmode)
902                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("algorithm must not be null when decrypting!");
904                            algorithm = getEncryptionAlgorithm();
905                    }
907                    SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(passwordBasedKeyGeneratorAlgorithm);
909                    KeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(password, salt, passwordBasedIterationCount, passwordBasedKeySize);
910                    SecretKey secretKey = factory.generateSecret(spec);
912                    Cipher cipher = CryptoRegistry.sharedInstance().createCipher(algorithm);
914                    if (iv == null) {
915                            iv = new byte[cipher.getIVSize()];
916                            secureRandom.nextBytes(iv);
917                    }
919                    cipher.init(opmode, new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(secretKey.getEncoded()), iv));
921                    return cipher;
922            }
924    //      private String getBaseAlgorithm(String algorithm)
925    //      {
926    //              int slashIdx = algorithm.indexOf('/');
927    //              if (slashIdx < 0)
928    //                      return algorithm;
929    //
930    //              return algorithm.substring(0, slashIdx);
931    //      }
933            private Cipher getCipherForMasterKey(MasterKey masterKey, byte[] iv, String algorithm, CipherOperationMode opmode) throws GeneralSecurityException
934            {
935                    if (iv == null) {
936                            if (CipherOperationMode.ENCRYPT != opmode)
937                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("iv must not be null when decrypting!");
938                    }
939                    else {
940                            if (CipherOperationMode.ENCRYPT == opmode)
941                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("iv must be null when encrypting!");
942                    }
944                    if (algorithm == null) {
945                            if (CipherOperationMode.ENCRYPT != opmode)
946                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("algorithm must not be null when decrypting!");
948                            algorithm = getEncryptionAlgorithm();
949                    }
951                    Cipher cipher = CryptoRegistry.sharedInstance().createCipher(algorithm);
953                    if (iv == null) {
954                            iv = new byte[cipher.getIVSize()];
955                            secureRandom.nextBytes(iv);
956                    }
957                    cipher.init(opmode, new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(masterKey.getEncoded()), iv));
958                    return cipher;
959            }
961            /**
962             * <p>
963             * Generate a new key and store it to the file.
964             * </p>
965             * <p>
966             * The new key will be generated with the size specified by the
967             * system property {@value #SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY_SIZE} and encrypted with the
968             * master-key and the encryption-algorithm specified by the
969             * system property {@value #SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM}.
970             * </p>
971             *
972             * @param authUserName the authenticated user authorizing this action.
973             * @param authPassword the password for authenticating the user specified by <code>authUserName</code>.
974             * @return the newly created key.
975             * @throws AuthenticationException if the specified <code>authUserName</code> does not exist or the specified <code>authPassword</code>
976             * is not correct for the given <code>authUserName</code>.
977             * @throws IOException if writing to the local file-system failed.
978             */
979            public synchronized GeneratedKey generateKey(String authUserName, char[] authPassword)
980            throws AuthenticationException, IOException
981            {
982                    long keyID = nextKeyID(authUserName, authPassword);
983                    byte[] key = generateKey();
984                    GeneratedKey generatedKey = new GeneratedKey(keyID, key);
985                    _setKey(authUserName, authPassword, keyID, key);
986                    storeToFile();
987                    return generatedKey;
988            }
990            /**
991             * <p>
992             * Generate <code>qty</code> new keys and store them to the file.
993             * </p>
994             * <p>
995             * This method behaves like {@link #generateKey(String, char[])} but is much
996             * faster when multiple keys have to be generated (bulk operation).
997             * </p>
998             *
999             * @param authUserName the authenticated user authorizing this action.
1000             * @param authPassword the password for authenticating the user specified by <code>authUserName</code>.
1001             * @param qty the number of keys to be generated. If 0, the method will do nothing and return
1002             * an empty list, if &lt; 0, an {@link IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown.
1003             * @return a list of generated keys; never <code>null</code>.
1004             * @throws AuthenticationException if the specified <code>authUserName</code> does not exist or the specified <code>authPassword</code>
1005             * is not correct for the given <code>authUserName</code>.
1006             * @throws IOException if writing to the local file-system failed.
1007             */
1008            public synchronized List<GeneratedKey> generateKeys(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, int qty)
1009            throws AuthenticationException, IOException
1010            {
1011                    if (qty < 0)
1012                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("qty < 0");
1014                    List<GeneratedKey> result = new ArrayList<GeneratedKey>(qty);
1015                    for (int i = 0; i < qty; ++i) {
1016                            long keyID = nextKeyID(authUserName, authPassword);
1017                            byte[] key = generateKey();
1018                            GeneratedKey generatedKey = new GeneratedKey(keyID, key);
1019                            _setKey(authUserName, authPassword, keyID, key);
1020                            result.add(generatedKey);
1021                    }
1022                    storeToFile();
1023                    return result;
1024            }
1026            /**
1027             * <p>
1028             * Create a new user.
1029             * </p>
1030             * <p>
1031             * Before the <code>KeyStore</code> can be used (i.e. before most methods work), this method has to be called
1032             * to create the first user. When the first user is created, the internal master-key is generated, which will
1033             * then not be changed anymore (double-check that the {@link #SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY_SIZE key-size} is set correctly at
1034             * this time).
1035             * </p>
1036             *
1037             * @param authUserName the authenticated user authorizing this action. If the very first user is created, this value
1038             * is ignored and can be <code>null</code>.
1039             * @param authPassword the password for authenticating the user specified by <code>authUserName</code>. If the very first user is created, this value
1040             * is ignored and can be <code>null</code>.
1041             * @param userName the name of the user to be created.
1042             * @param password the password of the new user.
1043             * @throws AuthenticationException if the specified <code>authUserName</code> does not exist or the specified <code>authPassword</code>
1044             * is not correct for the given <code>authUserName</code>.
1045             * @throws UserAlreadyExistsException if a user with the name specified by <code>userName</code> already exists.
1046             * @throws IOException if writing to the local file-system failed.
1047             */
1048            public synchronized void createUser(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, String userName, char[] password)
1049            throws AuthenticationException, UserAlreadyExistsException, IOException
1050            {
1051                    if (userName == null)
1052                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("userName must not be null!");
1054                    if (password == null)
1055                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("password must not be null!");
1057                    MasterKey masterKey;
1059                    if (isEmpty()) {
1060                            byte[] key = generateKey();
1061                            masterKey = new MasterKey(key);
1062                            // Unfortunately, we cannot clear the sensitive data from the key instance, because
1063                            // there is no nice way to do this (we could only do very ugly reflection-based stuff).
1064                            // But fortunately, this happens only the very first time a new, empty KeyStore is created.
1065                            // With an existing KeyStore we won't come here and our MasterKey can [and will] be cleared.
1066                            // Marco :-)
1067                            logger.info("createUser: Created master-key with a size of {} bits. This key will not be modified for this key-store anymore.", key.length * 8);
1068                    }
1069                    else
1070                            masterKey = getMasterKey(authUserName, authPassword);
1072                    if (keyStoreData.user2keyMap.containsKey(userName))
1073                            throw new UserAlreadyExistsException("User '" + userName + "' already exists!");
1075                    setUser(masterKey, userName, password);
1076            }
1078            synchronized void setUser(MasterKey masterKey, String userName, char[] password)
1079            throws IOException
1080            {
1081                    byte[] plainMasterKeyData = masterKey.getEncoded();
1083                    byte[] salt = new byte[8]; // Are 8 bytes salt salty (i.e. secure) enough?
1084                    secureRandom.nextBytes(salt);
1085                    try {
1086                            int passwordBasedKeySize = getKeySize();
1087                            int passwordBasedIterationCount = 1024; // TODO make configurable!
1088                            String passwordBasedKeyGeneratorAlgorithm = "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1"; // TODO make configurable
1090                            Cipher cipher = getCipherForUserPassword(
1091                                            password,
1092                                            passwordBasedKeySize,
1093                                            passwordBasedIterationCount,
1094                                            passwordBasedKeyGeneratorAlgorithm,
1095                                            salt, null, null, CipherOperationMode.ENCRYPT
1096                            );
1098                            PlaintextDataAndMAC plaintextDataAndMAC = new PlaintextDataAndMAC(plainMasterKeyData, getMACAlgorithm());
1099                            byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(plaintextDataAndMAC.toByteArray());
1101                            byte[] iv = ((ParametersWithIV)cipher.getParameters()).getIV();
1103                            EncryptedMasterKey encryptedKey = new EncryptedMasterKey(
1104                                            keyStoreData,
1105                                            userName,
1106                                            passwordBasedKeySize,
1107                                            passwordBasedIterationCount,
1108                                            keyStoreData.stringConstant(passwordBasedKeyGeneratorAlgorithm),
1109                                            salt,
1110                                            keyStoreData.stringConstant(cipher.getTransformation()),
1111                                            iv,
1112                                            keyStoreData.stringConstant(plaintextDataAndMAC.getMACAlgorithm()),
1113                                            (short)plaintextDataAndMAC.getMACKey().length,
1114                                            (short)plaintextDataAndMAC.getMACIV().length,
1115                                            (short)plaintextDataAndMAC.getMAC().length, encrypted
1116                            );
1117                            keyStoreData.user2keyMap.put(userName, encryptedKey);
1118                            usersCache = null;
1119                    } catch (CryptoException e) {
1120                            throw new RuntimeException(e);
1121                    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
1122                            throw new RuntimeException(e);
1123                    }
1125                    storeToFile();
1126            }
1128            synchronized void storeToFile() throws IOException
1129            {
1130                    File newKeyStoreFile = getNewKeyStoreFile();
1131                    boolean deleteNewKeyStoreFile = true;
1132                    try {
1133                            OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(newKeyStoreFile);
1134                            try {
1135                                    keyStoreData.writeToStream(out);
1136                            } finally {
1137                                    out.close();
1138                            }
1140                            deleteNewKeyStoreFile = false;
1141                            keyStoreFile.delete();
1142                            newKeyStoreFile.renameTo(keyStoreFile);
1143                    } finally {
1144                            if (deleteNewKeyStoreFile) {
1145                                    try {
1146                                            newKeyStoreFile.delete();
1147                                    } catch (Exception x) {
1148                                            logger.warn("Deleting the newKeyStoreFile failed!", x);
1149                                    }
1150                            }
1151                    }
1152            }
1154            /**
1155             * <p>
1156             * Get all users who can authenticate at this <code>KeyStore</code>.
1157             * </p>
1158             *
1159             * @param authUserName the authenticated user authorizing this action.
1160             * @param authPassword the password for authenticating the user specified by <code>authUserName</code>.
1161             * @return a read-only {@link Set} of all user-names known to this <code>KeyStore</code>. This
1162             * <code>Set</code> is an unmodifiable copy of the internally used data and therefore is both thread-safe
1163             * and iteration-safe (i.e. it can be iterated while simultaneously users are {@link #deleteUser(String, char[], String) deleted}).
1164             * @throws AuthenticationException if the specified <code>authUserName</code> does not exist or the specified <code>authPassword</code>
1165             * is not correct for the given <code>authUserName</code>.
1166             */
1167            public synchronized SortedSet<String> getUsers(String authUserName, char[] authPassword)
1168            throws AuthenticationException
1169            {
1170                    // The following getMasterKey(...) is no real protection, because the information returned by this method
1171                    // is currently not protected, but this way, we already have the right arguments to later encrypt this
1172                    // information, too - if we ever want to.
1173                    // Marco :-)
1174                    getMasterKey(authUserName, authPassword);
1176                    SortedSet<String> users = usersCache;
1177                    if (users == null) {
1178                            users = Collections.unmodifiableSortedSet(new TreeSet<String>(keyStoreData.user2keyMap.keySet()));
1179                            usersCache = users;
1180                    }
1182                    return users;
1183            }
1185            private SortedSet<String> usersCache = null;
1187            /**
1188             * <p>
1189             * Delete the user specified by <code>userName</code>.
1190             * </p>
1191             * <p>
1192             * Deleting the authenticated user himself (i.e. <code>authUserName == userName</code>) is possible,
1193             * as long as it is not the last user.
1194             * </p>
1195             *
1196             * @param authUserName the name of the principal, i.e. the user authorizing this operation.
1197             * @param authPassword the password of the principal.
1198             * @param userName the name of the user to be deleted.
1199             * @throws AuthenticationException if the specified <code>authUserName</code> does not exist or the specified <code>authPassword</code>
1200             * is not correct for the given <code>authUserName</code>.
1201             * @throws UserNotFoundException if there is no user with the name specified by <code>userName</code>.
1202             * @throws CannotDeleteLastUserException if the last user would be deleted by this method invocation (thus rendering
1203             * the <code>KeyStore</code> unusable and unrecoverable - i.e. totally lost).
1204             * @throws IOException if writing to the local file-system failed.
1205             */
1206            public synchronized void deleteUser(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, String userName)
1207            throws AuthenticationException, UserNotFoundException, CannotDeleteLastUserException, IOException
1208            {
1209                    // The following getMasterKey(...) is no real protection, because a user can be deleted without
1210                    // authenticating on the file-base (as this doesn't require to decrypt data, currently), but
1211                    // this way, we already have the right arguments here and might later encrypt the required infos.
1212                    // Marco :-)
1213                    getMasterKey(authUserName, authPassword);
1215                    EncryptedMasterKey encryptedKey = keyStoreData.user2keyMap.get(userName);
1216                    if (encryptedKey == null)
1217                            throw new UserNotFoundException("The user \"" + userName + "\" does not exist!");
1219                    if (keyStoreData.user2keyMap.size() == 1)
1220                            throw new CannotDeleteLastUserException("You cannot delete the last user and \"" + userName + "\" is the last user!");
1222                    clearCache(userName);
1223                    keyStoreData.user2keyMap.remove(userName);
1224                    usersCache = null;
1226                    storeToFile();
1227            }
1229            /**
1230             * <p>
1231             * Change a user's password.
1232             * </p>
1233             * <p>
1234             * The user identified by <code>userName</code> will have the new password specified by
1235             * <code>newPassword</code> immediately after this method. Authenticating this user with
1236             * his old password will fail afterwards.
1237             * </p>
1238             *
1239             * @param authUserName the authenticated user authorizing this action.
1240             * @param authPassword the password for authenticating the user specified by <code>authUserName</code>.
1241             * @param userName the user whose password is to be changed. This can be the same as <code>authUserName</code>.
1242             * @param newPassword the new password.
1243             * @throws AuthenticationException if the specified <code>authUserName</code> does not exist or the specified <code>authPassword</code>
1244             * is not correct for the given <code>authUserName</code>.
1245             * @throws UserNotFoundException if there is no user with the name specified by <code>userName</code>.
1246             * @throws IOException if writing to the local file-system failed.
1247             */
1248            public synchronized void changeUserPassword(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, String userName, char[] newPassword)
1249            throws AuthenticationException, UserNotFoundException, IOException
1250            {
1251                    MasterKey masterKey = getMasterKey(authUserName, authPassword);
1253                    if (!keyStoreData.user2keyMap.containsKey(userName))
1254                            throw new UserNotFoundException("User '" + userName + "' does not exist!");
1256                    setUser(masterKey, userName, newPassword);
1257            }
1259            /**
1260             * Get the key identified by the given <code>keyID</code>.
1261             *
1262             * @param authUserName the authenticated user authorizing this action.
1263             * @param authPassword the password for authenticating the user specified by <code>authUserName</code>.
1264             * @param keyID the identifier of the key to get.
1265             * @return the key associated with the given identifier; never <code>null</code> (if there is no key for the given <code>keyID</code>,
1266             * a {@link KeyNotFoundException} is thrown).
1267             * @throws AuthenticationException if the specified <code>authUserName</code> does not exist or the specified <code>authPassword</code>
1268             * is not correct for the given <code>authUserName</code>.
1269             * @throws KeyNotFoundException if the specified <code>keyID</code> does not reference any existing key. Note, that the
1270             * authentication process occurs before any lookup and therefore a {@link KeyNotFoundException} indicates a correct authentication
1271             * (otherwise the {@link AuthenticationException} would have been thrown before).
1272             */
1273            public synchronized byte[] getKey(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, long keyID)
1274            throws AuthenticationException, KeyNotFoundException
1275            {
1276                    MasterKey masterKey = getMasterKey(authUserName, authPassword);
1277                    EncryptedKey encryptedKey = keyStoreData.keyID2keyMap.get(keyID);
1278                    if (encryptedKey == null)
1279                            throw new KeyNotFoundException("There is no key with keyID=" + keyID + "!");
1281                    try {
1282                            Cipher cipher = getCipherForMasterKey(
1283                                            masterKey,
1284                                            encryptedKey.getEncryptionIV(),
1285                                            encryptedKey.getEncryptionAlgorithm(),
1286                                            CipherOperationMode.DECRYPT
1287                            );
1288                            byte[] decrypted = cipher.doFinal(encryptedKey.getEncryptedData());
1290                            PlaintextDataAndMAC plaintextDataAndMAC = new PlaintextDataAndMAC(decrypted, encryptedKey);
1291                            if (!plaintextDataAndMAC.verifyMAC())
1292                                    throw new IllegalStateException("MAC mismatch!!! This means, the decryption key was wrong!");
1294                            return plaintextDataAndMAC.getData();
1295                    } catch (CryptoException e) {
1296                            throw new RuntimeException(e);
1297                    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
1298                            throw new RuntimeException(e);
1299                    }
1300            }
1302            public synchronized SortedSet<Long> getKeyIDs(String authUserName, char[] authPassword)
1303            throws AuthenticationException
1304            {
1305                    getMasterKey(authUserName, authPassword);
1306                    SortedSet<Long> result = new TreeSet<Long>(keyStoreData.keyID2keyMap.keySet());
1307                    return result;
1308            }
1310            private void _setKey(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, long keyID, byte[] key)
1311            throws AuthenticationException
1312            {
1313                    MasterKey masterKey = getMasterKey(authUserName, authPassword);
1315                    try {
1316                            PlaintextDataAndMAC plaintextDataAndMAC = new PlaintextDataAndMAC(key, getMACAlgorithm());
1318                            Cipher cipher = getCipherForMasterKey(masterKey, null, null, CipherOperationMode.ENCRYPT);
1319                            byte[] iv = ((ParametersWithIV)cipher.getParameters()).getIV();
1320                            byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(plaintextDataAndMAC.toByteArray());
1322                            EncryptedKey encryptedKey = new EncryptedKey(
1323                                            keyStoreData,
1324                                            keyID,
1325                                            keyStoreData.stringConstant(cipher.getTransformation()),
1326                                            iv,
1327                                            plaintextDataAndMAC.getMACAlgorithm(),
1328                                            (short)plaintextDataAndMAC.getMACKey().length,
1329                                            (short)plaintextDataAndMAC.getMACIV().length,
1330                                            (short)plaintextDataAndMAC.getMAC().length, encrypted
1331                            );
1332                            keyStoreData.keyID2keyMap.put(keyID, encryptedKey);
1333                    } catch (CryptoException e) {
1334                            throw new RuntimeException(e);
1335                    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
1336                            throw new RuntimeException(e);
1337                    }
1338            }
1340            /**
1341             * <p>
1342             * Get a named property.
1343             * </p>
1344             * <p>
1345             * The <code>KeyStore</code> supports managing arbitrary properties in the form of
1346             * name-value-pairs. The names are plain-text, but the values are encrypted.
1347             * A property-value can be of any type for which a subclass of
1348             * {@link org.cumulus4j.keystore.prop.Property} exists.
1349             * </p>
1350             * <p>
1351             * This method will always return an instance of the given <code>propertyType</code>, no matter,
1352             * if the property exists in this <code>KeyStore</code> or not. If the property does not exist,
1353             * its {@link Property#getValue() value} will be <code>null</code>.
1354             * </p>
1355             * <p>
1356             * <b>Important:</b> Never directly instantiate a {@link Property}-subclass. Always use this method
1357             * as a factory for property instances.
1358             * </p>
1359             *
1360             * @param <P> the type of the property.
1361             * @param authUserName the authenticated user authorizing this action.
1362             * @param authPassword the password for authenticating the user specified by <code>authUserName</code>.
1363             * @param propertyType the type of the property; must not be <code>null</code>. If the property does not yet exist,
1364             * every type can be specified. If the property already exists, this type must match the type of the property.
1365             * If they do not match, an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
1366             * @param name the unique name of the property; must not be <code>null</code>.
1367             * @return the property; never <code>null</code>. If the property does not yet exist, a new, empty property is returned.
1368             * @throws AuthenticationException if the specified <code>authUserName</code> does not exist or the specified <code>authPassword</code>
1369             * is not correct for the given <code>authUserName</code>.
1370             * @see #setProperty(String, char[], Property)
1371             * @see #removeProperty(String, char[], String)
1372             */
1373            public synchronized <P extends Property<?>> P getProperty(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, Class<P> propertyType, String name)
1374            throws AuthenticationException
1375            {
1376                    MasterKey masterKey = getMasterKey(authUserName, authPassword);
1378                    if (name == null)
1379                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("name == null");
1381                    EncryptedProperty encryptedProperty = keyStoreData.name2propertyMap.get(name);
1383                    P result;
1384                    try {
1385                            result = propertyType.newInstance();
1386                    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
1387                            throw new RuntimeException(e);
1388                    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
1389                            throw new RuntimeException(e);
1390                    }
1391                    result.setName(name);
1392                    result.setXxx(propertyXxx);
1394                    if (encryptedProperty != null) {
1395                            if (!propertyType.equals(encryptedProperty.getType()))
1396                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("propertyType != encryptedProperty.type :: " + propertyType.getClass().getName() + " != " + encryptedProperty.getType().getName());
1398                            try {
1399                                    Cipher cipher = getCipherForMasterKey(
1400                                                    masterKey,
1401                                                    encryptedProperty.getEncryptionIV(),
1402                                                    encryptedProperty.getEncryptionAlgorithm(),
1403                                                    CipherOperationMode.DECRYPT
1404                                    );
1405                                    byte[] decrypted = cipher.doFinal(encryptedProperty.getEncryptedData());
1407                                    PlaintextDataAndMAC plaintextDataAndMAC = new PlaintextDataAndMAC(decrypted, encryptedProperty);
1408                                    if (!plaintextDataAndMAC.verifyMAC())
1409                                            throw new IllegalStateException("MAC mismatch!!! This means, the decryption key was wrong!");
1411                                    result.setValueEncoded(plaintextDataAndMAC.getData());
1412                            } catch (CryptoException e) {
1413                                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
1414                            } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
1415                                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
1416                            }
1417                    }
1419                    return result;
1420            }
1422            public synchronized SortedSet<Property<?>> getProperties(String authUserName, char[] authPassword)
1423            throws AuthenticationException
1424            {
1425                    SortedSet<Property<?>> result = new TreeSet<Property<?>>();
1426                    for (Map.Entry<String, EncryptedProperty> me : keyStoreData.name2propertyMap.entrySet()) {
1427                            Property<?> property = getProperty(authUserName, authPassword, me.getValue().getType(), me.getKey());
1428                            result.add(property);
1429                    }
1430                    return result;
1431            }
1433            /**
1434             * <p>
1435             * Remove a property.
1436             * </p>
1437             * <p>
1438             * If the property with the given name does not exist, this method won't do anything.
1439             * </p>
1440             *
1441             * @param authUserName the authenticated user authorizing this action.
1442             * @param authPassword the password for authenticating the user specified by <code>authUserName</code>.
1443             * @param name the unique name of the property; must not be <code>null</code>.
1444             * @return whether the property was removed, i.e. whether this <code>KeyStore</code> was changed by the operation.
1445             * @throws AuthenticationException if the specified <code>authUserName</code> does not exist or the specified <code>authPassword</code>
1446             * is not correct for the given <code>authUserName</code>.
1447             * @throws IOException if writing to the local file-system failed.
1448             * @see #getProperty(String, char[], Class, String)
1449             * @see #setProperty(String, char[], Property)
1450             */
1451            public synchronized boolean removeProperty(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, String name)
1452            throws AuthenticationException, IOException
1453            {
1454                    boolean removed = _removeProperty(authUserName, authPassword, name);
1456                    if (removed)
1457                            storeToFile();
1459                    return removed;
1460            }
1462            boolean _removeProperty(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, String name)
1463            throws AuthenticationException
1464            {
1465                    getMasterKey(authUserName, authPassword);
1466                    return keyStoreData.name2propertyMap.remove(name) != null;
1467            }
1469            private UUID propertyXxx = UUID.randomUUID();
1471            /**
1472             * <p>
1473             * Set a property.
1474             * </p>
1475             * <p>
1476             * If the property's {@link Property#getValue() value} is <code>null</code>, the property is
1477             * {@link #removeProperty(String, char[], String) removed} instead.
1478             * </p>
1479             * <p>
1480             * If a property with the same {@link Property#getName() name} already exists, it is overwritten.
1481             * </p>
1482             * <p>
1483             * The property's value is encrypted with the internal master-key. The property's name is stored
1484             * in plain (unencrypted) form.
1485             * </p>
1486             *
1487             * @param authUserName the authenticated user authorizing this action.
1488             * @param authPassword the password for authenticating the user specified by <code>authUserName</code>.
1489             * @param property the property to set. Do not instantiate any property directly!
1490             * Use {@link #getProperty(String, char[], Class, String)} instead!
1491             * @throws AuthenticationException if the specified <code>authUserName</code> does not exist or the specified <code>authPassword</code>
1492             * is not correct for the given <code>authUserName</code>.
1493             * @throws IOException if writing to the local file-system failed.
1494             * @see #getProperty(String, char[], Class, String)
1495             * @see #removeProperty(String, char[], String)
1496             */
1497            public synchronized void setProperty(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, Property<?> property)
1498            throws AuthenticationException, IOException
1499            {
1500                    _setProperty(authUserName, authPassword, property);
1501                    storeToFile();
1502            }
1504            private void _setProperty(String authUserName, char[] authPassword, Property<?> property)
1505            throws AuthenticationException
1506            {
1507                    MasterKey masterKey = getMasterKey(authUserName, authPassword);
1509                    if (property == null)
1510                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("property == null");
1512                    if (!propertyXxx.equals(property.getXxx()))
1513                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("property was not created by this KeyStore! You should use 'getProperty(...)' instead of 'new SomeProperty(...)'!!! And you should never store properties unencrypted somewhere outside!");
1515                    if (property.getName() == null)
1516                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("property.name == null");
1518                    keyStoreData.stringConstant(property.getClass().getName());
1520                    byte[] plainValueEncoded = property.getValueEncoded();
1521                    if (plainValueEncoded == null) {
1522                            _removeProperty(authUserName, authPassword, property.getName());
1523                    }
1524                    else {
1525                            try {
1526                                    PlaintextDataAndMAC plaintextDataAndMAC = new PlaintextDataAndMAC(plainValueEncoded, getMACAlgorithm());
1528                                    Cipher cipher = getCipherForMasterKey(masterKey, null, null, CipherOperationMode.ENCRYPT);
1529                                    byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(plaintextDataAndMAC.toByteArray());
1530                                    byte[] iv = ((ParametersWithIV)cipher.getParameters()).getIV();
1532                                    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
1533                                    Class<? extends Property<?>> propertyType = (Class<? extends Property<?>>) property.getClass();
1534                                    EncryptedProperty encryptedProperty = new EncryptedProperty(
1535                                                    keyStoreData, property.getName(),
1536                                                    propertyType,
1537                                                    keyStoreData.stringConstant(cipher.getTransformation()),
1538                                                    iv,
1539                                                    plaintextDataAndMAC.getMACAlgorithm(),
1540                                                    (short)plaintextDataAndMAC.getMACKey().length,
1541                                                    (short)plaintextDataAndMAC.getMACIV().length,
1542                                                    (short)plaintextDataAndMAC.getMAC().length, encrypted
1543                                    );
1544                                    keyStoreData.name2propertyMap.put(encryptedProperty.getName(), encryptedProperty);
1545                            } catch (CryptoException e) {
1546                                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
1547                            } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
1548                                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
1549                            }
1550                    }
1551            }
1553            /**
1554             * <p>
1555             * Clear all cached data for the specified user name.
1556             * </p>
1557             * <p>
1558             * Every time, a user
1559             * calls a method requiring <code>authUserName</code> and <code>authPassword</code>,
1560             * either an authentication process happens, or a previously cached authentication
1561             * result (i.e. a decrypted master-key) is used. In order to speed things up, authentication results are cached for a
1562             * limited time. After this time elapses, the data is cleared by a timer. If a user wants (for security reasons)
1563             * remove the cached data from the memory earlier, he can call this method.
1564             * </p>
1565             *
1566             * @param userName the user for which to clear all the cached data. <code>null</code> to clear the complete cache for all users.
1567             */
1568            public synchronized void clearCache(String userName)
1569            {
1570                    if (userName == null) {
1571                            for(CachedMasterKey cachedMasterKey : cache_userName2cachedMasterKey.values())
1572                                    cachedMasterKey.clear();
1574                            cache_userName2cachedMasterKey.clear();
1575                    }
1576                    else {
1577                            CachedMasterKey cachedMasterKey = cache_userName2cachedMasterKey.remove(userName);
1578                            if (cachedMasterKey != null)
1579                                    cachedMasterKey.clear();
1580                    }
1581            }
1583            @Override
1584            protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
1585                    clearCache(null);
1586                    super.finalize();
1587            }
1588    }